Kelli Frazer

Oakwood School Assistant Director of Development &
Oakwood Alumni Parent, Class of 2021

My journey with Oakwood began when we were looking for a middle school for my only child. Our goal was to find a school that would challenge my daughter academically and enhance her social skills. From the beautiful campus to the vibe of the staff and faculty, I immediately knew this was a special place. What I didn’t anticipate was just how involved with the community I would later become.

As a volunteer, I got a glimpse into the Oakwood community that was made up of exceptional leadership, caring teachers, and unique students. I say unique because each student is their own person. They are not just a number, they are not grouped into categories, but instead, they are each recognized as an individual and allowed to pave their way.

I started as a part-time employee allowed to focus on athletics, events, and community engagement—I loved it! Five years later, I am rewarded in ways that cannot be measured because it is a feeling I get from seeing the Oakwood students thrive in a multitude of different areas: academics, arts, and athletics, to name a few.  Each student can be a scientist, digital artist, athlete, actor, musician, engineer, writer, club leader, and the list goes on. I have watched students try on these different hats to find out what their true passion is and pursue it.

While I cannot know how my daughter would have fared at another school, I know that her participation in various activities has molded her into a well-rounded person. I owe that to Oakwood.

My daughter graduated in 2021 and people often wonder why I continue to work here. There is only one answer—the Oakwood community. The support, camaraderie, generosity, spirit, and connections that I have because of Oakwood are invaluable to me both personally and professionally.

The Tom Family

GP ’24, ’32
As our granddaughter finishes her Senior year we can look back with the knowledge that she has received the best possible education these past six years, and we can anticipate even more exciting opportunities for our grandson as he continues his growth at Oakwood.”​

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The Zhao/Chen Family

P ’19, ’24
“Oakwood teachers and staff have done so much in providing a safe and nurturing environment for our children to explore, grow, and flourish, both academically and in extracurricular activities.”

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The Bruce Family

P ’32
“Cameron continues to grow in confidence, and he accurately reflects the core personal values Oakwood School expects of their students.”

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The Saffarian Family

P ’30, ’33, ’35
“Respect, mindfulness, and kindness are embedded into the Oakwood culture, and those are a few of the most valuable aspects for our family.”

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Nisanti Wilmot

P ’23, ’25, ’28, ’31
“The school campus, with its natural beauty, never ceases to inspire me, and I deeply appreciate the autonomy I have when it comes to designing and delivering my classes.”​

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Jeff Ruster, Jr.

“Although my career here is young, it’s unmistakably clear: every aspect of my growth, from being a student to evolving as an individual, my choice of college, and eventually transitioning into an educational career, all owe their beginnings to a singular moment—the pivotal decision of Oakwood’s admissions department to take a chance on me back in 2013.”

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Kelli Frazer

P ’21
“The support, camaraderie, generosity, spirit, and connections that I have because of Oakwood are invaluable to me both personally and professionally.”​

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Oakwood School Book of Gratitude